Latest Projects

DS Foundation has a number of running projects on his desk, but the most important of them, just because of the projects this Blogging site came into existence were :-

1. DashBoard (Build Version Dashboard30 updated on 25 March 2013)
The Only application of its kind which was debugged on different SDK’s, this Portal uses PHP, CSharp, Visual Basic,, Phalanger, Python SDK, Ruby, Javascript and Java SDK. This is a social Networking Portal, intended to serve its members with lots of Applications like Media Portal, Contacts Manager, SMS, Fax, Paint, Photoshop Capable apps, Card Generators, Chat server, games etc etc. it hosts around 30 Applications for users.

2. DS Foundation (Build Version DSFoundation3 updated on 08 Feb 2012)
The official portal for Denno Secqtinstien foundation, yes of course its accessible to all of the users, and will be updated soon.

3. DoctoR (Build Version DoctoR20 updated on 25 March 2013)
The Official biography Portal for Founder of DS Foundation and its subsidiaries, its a full fledged web portal, but i am really sorry one should have to get DSF invitation to see this Portal.